The coronavirus has accelerated the growing interest in sustainable architecture. As we explained last month, one of the trends in post-pandemic architecture is its commitment to the sustainability of homes and the reduction of energy consumption. In today’s article we will illustrate the main elements of sustainable architecture.
What principles govern sustainable architecture?
Concern for the environment is causing the emergence of environmentally friendly techniques and materials. In addition to having an impact on construction and interior design, this trend is also influencing the architecture and design of spaces, which seek to increasingly minimize the environmental impact of buildings.
Here are the principles that govern sustainable architecture:
1. Energy efficiency
To limit energy consumption and increase the sustainability of a home, we must ensure that energy “stays inside”, using high quality materials and incorporating good layers of insulation. Another key aspect to increasing the energy efficiency of a building is taking into account its orientation. If we choose the correct orientation, the climate zone and the hours of use, we can reduce energy consumption by up to 30%.
2. Elimination of thermical bridges
Thermal bridges are specific or linear areas in building envelopes where the insulating surface breaks and heat losses occur. Eliminating or counteracting these critical points in the design phase is essential to minimize these losses and reduce energy consumption.
3. Natural light
Today, natural light is one of the environmental factors that most decisively influence the architectural and constructive design of a building. Being able to use natural light is highly appreciated by customers and one of the values of sustainable architecture, especially because in addition to providing comfort and well-being, it reduces energy consumption.
In relation to this point, we must also have high-performance glass and windows if we want energy not to escape through them. The use of triple glass and profiles with Passivhaus certification are one of the basic measures to guarantee good thermal insulation.
4. Sound insulation
Noise pollution is one of the problems faced by people living in highly populated cities. This issue has acquired special relevance with the rise of teleworking. In order to make our home a quiet space, both to work and relax, sustainable architecture is increasingly oriented towards acoustic comfort, incorporating sound insulation within the basic premises of space design.
5. Use of more sustainable materials
Another aspect of sustainable architecture is the recycling and reuse of materials, as we already explained when we talked about the interior design trends that will mark 2021. In addition to using recycled products in furniture, working on a construction site with less polluting materials is essential to reduce the environmental impact of those buildings.
Using sustainable products such as stone, slate and wood can significantly minimize the carbon footprint of our home. For example, the use of wood as a structural element, instead of concrete, can reduce CO2 emissions by 4 times.
Improve the sustainability of your home with an energy renovation
We must bear in mind that energy efficiency is not an exclusive value of new constructions. We can also improve the sustainability of old houses and buildings through an energy renovation process.
Whether you are concerned about the energy consumption of your new home or if you want to make a complete renovation following the principles of sustainable architecture, at Michele Mantovani Studio we will help you improve the energy efficiency of your home.